Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How To Get Your Workout On As A Stay At Home Parent

Prior to becoming a mother, I used to fantasize that being a stay at home parent was the dream job! You got to stay at home all day with your kids and just have fun!!! Between taking them to the zoo, museums, on errands, and playing with them, how could anyone have time to work, anyway? So when we found out we were having twins, I immediately started dreaming about how amazing my life would be if only I GOT the opportunity to stay home with them!!

 Then, when our babies unexpectedly arrived 7 weeks premature and NICU bound, my dream became a reality. Only the reality was that there was no other option, I had to stay at home with them. Due to their prematurity and lengthy NICU stay and the doctor’s visits, physical therapy and various other specialists needed for such vulnerable newborns, it really didn’t make financial or emotional sense for me to go back to work. Not to mention that nursing twins was a full time job itself! The “dream job” gave way to the reality of being a stay at home parent to two premature infants.

 A typical day was comprised of sleeping for 1 hour, changing diapers, nursing each twin, pumping bottles while eating something myself, giving them each a bottle then cleaning up my liquid gold they spit up due to their acid reflux, sleeping for 1 hour again, bringing them to a doctor’s appointment, and some variation of these activities round the clock for the first year.  Although the weight I’d gained from my pregnancy fell off, I felt sluggish and tired all the time. On top of that, I felt like I needed my life to be more than being a caretaker and well, a cow. Prior to being a mother, I’d been active most of my life in one way or another and not being active was taking a toll. So, after living in a daze for close to a year, I knew I needed to start doing something for myself in order to gain more energy and some sanity or I was never going to have a life or identity outside of being a SAHM again! This led me to start figuring out ways to get moving while not feeling like I was neglecting my children and I came up with this list.

1)    Put your baby in a baby carrier and just get moving!!  Not only is carrying your baby amazing for them since they love that feeling of being close to you but it also helps with bonding and trust. It’s great for you because adding 5-25 lb. to your frame helps burn calories and build muscle. I started carrying my babies right away and still do today with my 2.5-year-olds. Not only is it healthy, but it’s convenient. You can carry them while you get stuff done and start getting your house back in order. I carried my kids while vacuuming, unloading the dishwasher, going to the park and just trying to prevent meltdowns. Lots of moms even nurse while carrying their babies (although I personally was never coordinated enough to figure it out, but I always thought it was awesome). Another great thing is that carriers come in all different sizes and shapes for the multiple stages of babies to toddlers. My personal favorites were the Moby wrap when they were super tiny and the Ergo Baby as they grew, which is still what I use today.

2)    Sign up for a parent/baby yoga class. These are amazing! We took one when the kids were super little and it’s a wonderful way to build strength and coordination, bond with your child, and a great way to meet other mamas. It’s also a terrific place to learn moves to do at home since they often only involve a yoga mat, you and your child.

3)    Turn on some music, dance around and just be silly!! This is a personal favorite of my children. Many mornings, my husband and I turn on some Disney Movie music reminiscent of our childhood and start singing, dancing and giggling with our kids. Not only does this get you moving and building strength from tossing around children and wiggling your tush but it boosts your mood and gets you smiling. What’s so hard about that?

4)    Get out your stroller and go for a walk. What’s easier and more convenient than just taking your kids for a walk around the block or to the park? Not only is this great for you physically, but it can work wonders for you and your children’s mood. Most days as long as it’s nice outside, my kids and I have a routine of taking a walk at least once. We’ve done it since they were tiny and it’s something we all look forward to. And even when it’s not nice outside, you can always take them to a local mall. My kids love mall walking because they know at the end they get to go to the kids’ play area. Also, it’s fun to window shop and people watch for all of us. However, if you’re more motivated by working out in a group, there are loads of mommy and me stroller classes and groups you can find locally or even create your own with a group of neighborhood moms.

5)    Join a fitness center that offers babysitting or child care. When my twins were almost 2 years old, I decided we were finally out of the woods in terms of health concerns and I could really just use a daily break so I joined a gym with a daycare. It was great for me to get out of the house and moving physically while enjoying adult interaction as well as getting my kids used to being around other adults and children.

6)    Get on an at home exercise and health program. My personal favorite is 21Day Fix. The cool thing about this program is that it only takes 30 minutes and there is a variety of workouts included to avoid boredom and work all different muscle groups. Most days I fit this in while my kids eat breakfast or watch a morning cartoon. Also included is a 10 minute ab video, which is super convenient when all you have is a few minutes. Plus it involves a meal plan, accountability group and a coach! So you won’t be doing it alone.

7)    Play like a kid, with your kids. Ever wonder why your four-year-old has rock hard abs? Well, have you tried swinging from the monkey bars or running around from place to place at the park? Don’t just watch your kids play, play with them! I climb the jungle gym and swing on the swings with my kids and it’s an amazing workout. Plus my kids love seeing me have fun too! And don’t let winter stop you, sledding with kids and building snow men is a great workout as well. Between dragging them around on a sled and creating giant snow balls it’s like an Olympic sport. Not only will you burn calories and get some fresh air, but your kids will take a fantastic nap afterwards.

8)    Clean. I know cleaning is something we all dread doing, but it’s a necessary part of being a stay at home spouse and part of our responsibilities of keeping the house and the kids taken care of. So when you vacuum, make a game of it and try to see if you can move around as much as possible, or when you bring clothing up the stairs take it in 3 trips instead of 1. Once I realized cleaning isn’t only a must have to keep my spouse happy and me from feeling disorganized, I now count it as part of my daily way to stay fit and I actually enjoy it.

9)    Just do something!! Embrace the chaos that is parenthood. So you had to run from the soccer game to the grocery store to ballet and you just couldn’t make it to yoga. Do lunges on the sideline or tricep dips in the stands or see how fast you can get the grocery shopping done by speed walking thru the aisles. Sure, at first other mamas might give you weird looks but you’d be surprised, pretty soon they’ll join in. And getting something done is a heck of a lot better than nothing!

10) Make Exercise a Priority. Set your alarm ½ hour earlier in the morning and throw in that workout DVD. After you put the kids down for nap time go for a run on the treadmill. Do crunches while watching TV at night with your spouse. You’ll be surprised how quickly working out can become just part of your routine, a habit, and how it will change your life in countless ways including your health, mental state and confidence. But the best part is the amazing example you will set for your kids.